Superhero: New York City - The Blue BeetleAuthor:
"The Blue Beetle" was a popular radio detective show that aired from 1940 to 1950. Created by Charles D. Strong, the series was broadcast on multiple radio networks and starred Frank Lovejoy as the masked crime-fighter, The Blue Beetle. The show was known for its thrilling action, colorful characters, and clever writing.Each episode of "The Blue Beetle" followed the adventures of Dan Garrett, a rookie patrolman who discovers a mysterious scarab that gives him superhuman powers. Garrett uses his new abilities to fight crime and protect the citizens of his city, donning a blue and red costume and taking on the identity of The Blue Beetle.The show was noted for its fast-paced action sequences, which were made even more exciting by the show's use of sound effects and music. The Blue Beetle was often assisted in his crime-fighting efforts by his girlfriend, Joan Mason, played by Louise Arthur, and his police mentor, Mike Mannigan, played by Ted de Corsia.The Blue Beetle" was one of the most popular radio detective shows of its time, and it helped to establish the character of The Blue Beetle as a beloved icon of the genre. The show's legacy has continued to this day, with several adaptations of the character appearing in comic books, television shows, and other forms of media.These episodes have been digitally remastered and are presented by For more information about this and other old time radio programs please visit: . Language: en-us Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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The Blue Beetle: The Frame-Up (Complete - Parts 1 and 2)
Sunday, 21 May, 2023
"The Blue Beetle" was a popular radio detective show that aired from 1940 to 1950. Created by Charles D. Strong, the series was broadcast on multiple radio networks and starred Frank Lovejoy as the masked crime-fighter, The Blue Beetle. The show was known for its thrilling action, colorful characters, and clever writing.Each episode of "The Blue Beetle" followed the adventures of Dan Garrett, a rookie patrolman who discovers a mysterious scarab that gives him superhuman powers. Garrett uses his new abilities to fight crime and protect the citizens of his city, donning a blue and red costume and taking on the identity of The Blue Beetle.The show was noted for its fast-paced action sequences, which were made even more exciting by the show's use of sound effects and music. The Blue Beetle was often assisted in his crime-fighting efforts by his girlfriend, Joan Mason, played by Louise Arthur, and his police mentor, Mike Mannigan, played by Ted de Corsia."The Blue Beetle" was one of the most popular radio detective shows of its time, and it helped to establish the character of The Blue Beetle as a beloved icon of the genre. The show's legacy has continued to this day, with several adaptations of the character appearing in comic books, television shows, and other forms of media.These episodes have been digitally remastered and are presented by SolvedMystery.comFor more information about this and other old time radio programs please visit: .