DecarboN8 Podcast  

DecarboN8 Podcast

Author: Tina Shield

DecarboN8 is an EPSRC funded network seeking to bring together business, government and academia across the North of England. We aim to create an innovation ecosystem and test bed environment which allows us to trial and accelerate the adoption of low carbon transport solutions. In working across the North, the DecarboN8 network is looking to take a place-based approach recognising that different solutions might be needed for different types of area but also acknowledging that sometimes we might need this to be joined up and consistent in order to get benefits at scale.
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Language: en

Genres: Science, Social Sciences

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Place Based Decarbonisation
Wednesday, 29 July, 2020

The Department for Transport’s Decarbonisation Plan: 'Setting the Challenge' document lists place-based decarbonisation as one of its six key pillars. But what does place-based decarbonisation mean and how might it shape the final Decarbonisation Plan?   


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