7, Seven, Tree  

7, Seven, Tree

Author: Andymanx4 & RonDough

It started in the mid-90's. On the westside of Chicago. As a pair of cousins, and a Homeboy, would later come together to create; one of the Greatest Podcasts of the Westside. 7, Seven,. This, my friend, is the podcast about Everything. We talk about sports, music, women, fashion. We talk bout everyday life, real life. Various intelligent views from people who speak facts and debate. Sometimes we just on here talkin s***. We will never talk nothin' we don't know about, this is all our opinion. But roll up, kickback, and Vibe.
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wrestling

Contact email: Get it

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WWE Smackdown & AEW Collision Review for March 1st and 2nd.
Episode 3
Friday, 15 March, 2024

in this solo episode, Ron goes over what took place on Smackdown and on Collision. He breaks down matches, and sets up potential future matches, as well as, talks the differences between the two companies... this a long episode (pause) but a very good listen. roll up and get ya popcorn.


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