Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) seminars  

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) seminars

Author: Human Sciences Research Council

The HSRC is the largest dedicated research institute in the social sciences and humanities on the African continent, doing cutting-edge public research in areas that are crucial to development. We host regular public seminars which everyone can participate in: Most seminars are recorded and uploaded here.
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Social Housing, Spatial Transformation and Upward Mobility - HSRC Seminar
Wednesday, 25 August, 2021

Social housing is a powerful tool for integrating divided cities. It can also help low income households to get on in life and thrive by providing a secure home base with good access to jobs and amenities. The HSRC recently completed a study of social housing’s contribution to spatial transformation and upward social mobility in South Africa. The purpose of this webinar is to share the findings and to stimulate discussion about the next steps for policy and practice. A mixed picture emerged from the research, both in terms of location and upward mobility. Although social housing has a unique mandate to promote urban integration, over the last 27 years there has been a ‘spatial drift’ of new projects away from inner cities towards outer urban areas. This has been most apparent in Johannesburg, and least common in Tshwane. The pressure to accelerate delivery is partly responsible, along with the cost of well-located land. Another important conclusion is that insufficient attention has been devoted to supporting household advancement and finding the most effective pathways to improve people’s life chances. The discussion will test the veracity of these findings and consider what needs to be done to improve the location of social housing and increase the contribution it makes to upward mobility. INTRODUCTION: Agence Française de Développement & EU Delegation PRESENTERS: Ivan Turok, Andreas Scheba and Justin Visagie (HSRC/UFS) DISCUSSANTS: Representatives from SHRA, NASHO, NHFC, Public Works and DBSA. FACILITATOR: Helen Rourke (DAG) For more information:


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