Dear God, Are we there yet?  

Dear God, Are we there yet?

Author: Dear God Are We There Yet?

Language: en

Genres: Business, Education, Non-Profit, Self-Improvement

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S6/EP 4: The truth about the God Complex ( we all have it)
Episode 6
Thursday, 2 February, 2023

🎙 New Podcast Season 6 🎙S6/EP 4: The truth about the God Complex ( we all have it)Primos y Primas, to have a god complex essentially means someone is so fervently self-assured that they actually overestimate themselves, their abilities, and their entitlement. To have a god complex essentially means someone is so fervently self-assured that they actually overestimate themselves, their abilities, and their entitlement.But wait don't we all have this?On this episode I talk about the god complex and I get straight to the point on recgnizing this in our lives. It's not entirely known what causes it, though it's thought to be rooted in either excessive pampering or criticism from parents or a genetic predisposition.HmmmmJoin me, Grab that cafecito y vamos hablar!Episode Highlights:💡How can we work on not having a god complex💡Thinking differently helps💡What about self care for your mindClick here to listen or search “Dear God Are We There Yet” on your favorite podcasting app!If you enjoy this episode, here's 3 simple ways you can support it.- Leave me a review! It’s easy and free. Your reviews help me reach others.- Share this podcast with others on IG stories! Also, free and easy to do with the click of a button.- And lastly become a volunteer and support this podcast so that it can continue to grow and help others live more abundantly.I hope you blast that merengue all week! and GRACIAS sooo much listening.Besos#deargodthepodcast #deargodarewethereyet #queloque #dominicansdopodcat #season5deargodthepodcast #afrolatina #nonprofitpodcasts #socialgoodpodcast


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