Kini Aur Nani  

Kini Aur Nani

Remember the times when your grandmother told you stories just before tucking you into bed? On Kini aur Nani ki Kahaaniya you can now introduce children to the same magic or hark back to your own childhood as writer Nutan

Author: IVM Podcasts

Remember the times when your grandmother told you stories just before tucking you into bed? On Kini aur Nani ki Kahaaniya you can now introduce children to the same magic or hark back to your own childhood as writer Nutan Raj takes you on various adventures that involve finding a new king of the jungle, testing your friendships, swimming with sharks, visiting sages on high mountains and even doing some detective work.
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Language: hi

Genres: Kids & Family, Society & Culture

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Episode 5
Monday, 13 November, 2017

The bored little girl was punished just because she turned a somersault. But then she found the best way to never, ever get bored. Now she has so much fun. She has also become quite the hero in school. How did this happen? Only Nani can tell you. - This is an IVM Production; for more such awesome podcasts on the go, download the IVM Podcasts app on Google Play: and on iOS: Or come find us: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: for privacy information.


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