Can We Talk for REAL  

Can We Talk for REAL

Conversations about subjects many talk about at bars, in the basement and at the kitchen table. It is time to not be afraid to express your opinion. Lets talk a

Author: Tori s Teen Talk

Conversations about subjects many talk about at bars, in the basement and at the kitchen table. It is time to not be afraid to express your opinion. Lets talk about relationships, domestic violence, bullying, suicide and don't forget lets talk about life and LOVE. Time to feel EMPOWERED through your voice.
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Language: en

Genres: Philosophy, Society & Culture

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Jai Davis: Professional Athlete and Personal Trainer. Let’s talks about fitness
Wednesday, 25 January, 2017

What did you promise yourself you would do different in 2017? For most, 2017 is the year you are going to work out, eat healthy, work on yourself or even participate in a social cause dear to your heart. Let start the conversation about fitness, work outs and personal trainers with Jai Davis, Professional Athlete, Firefighter, Paramedic, Personal Trainer, and Child Advocate. Joining CAN WE TALK FOR REAL on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 will be Jai Davis Professional Athlete, Firefighter, Paramedic, Personal Trainer, and Child Advocate. Join us as Jai talks about achieving a healthier lifestyle with nutritional planning, staying fit, and maintaining a healthy body image and how fitness empowers woman. Jai will also talk about her commitment to juvenile diabetes through the Jai Fit Academy.  The Jai Fit Academy works hard to educate the youth in achieving a healthier lifestyle to include: nutritional planning, staying fit, and maintaining a healthy body image. Join us this Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 8:30PM EST/7:30PM CST as CAN WE TALK FOR REAL has a candid conversation with Jai Davis, personal trainer, ex- boxer, and advocate about training and empowering your body.   CAN WE TALK FOR REAL – your award winning Blogtalkradio show.


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