Through The Cracks - The untold story of Mbuyisa Makhubu  

Through The Cracks - The untold story of Mbuyisa Makhubu

Author: Primedia Broadcasting

Do you know who Mbuyisa Makhubu is? His tortured face stares out from Sam Nzimas famous photograph of the 1976 Soweto Uprising but little is known about the tall, lanky man in dungarees carrying a wounded Hector Pieterson. This four part podcast series investigates his journey from the most wanted man in Soweto, into exile and to his disappearance in 1978. For decades speculation swirled about what happened to Makhubu until in 2013 it was revealed that a man languishing in a Canadian prison could be the iconic June 16 hero. This tumultuous story is told through the voices of those who were close to Makhubu and through exclusive documents and archive images. This investigation also delicately uncovers a long buried family secret which may hold the key to whether fourty years later, Mbuyisa Makhubu has been found.
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Genres: History

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Episode 4: Lingering Mystery
Friday, 10 June, 2016

Is it him or isn’t it him? Some members of the Makhubu family and some politicians still maintain Victor Vinnetou is indeed Mbuyisa Makhubu. Others rubbish the suggestion. Episode Four investigates by weighing up the facts and through the interpretation of forensic experts. It also explores why no one – absolutely no one – in government will speak about this story. There are even allegations of death threats and cover-ups.See for privacy information.See for privacy information.


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