The Consequences Podcast  

The Consequences Podcast

Author: consequences

Two men battle against the elements to explain, examine and enjoy beloved music - and musicians - to bring underrated masterpieces to the attention of a hostile world. Oh, and 80 previous episodes exploring the beautiful universe of 10cc.
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Language: en

Genres: Music, Music Commentary, Music Interviews

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The Consequences Podcast 99 - Pany Turns the Tables: Paul and Sean on 50cc
Episode 106
Monday, 19 September, 2022

Hi everyone.  It's been a while! Paul and Sean have been busy, of late...  We may have been embroiled in an uber-ambitious tribute gig, but secretly, Sean's just enjoyed not having to edit endless podcasts in the wee small hours these past few months! In the meantime, our good chum Panayiotis Bogdanos chimed in from San Leandro, California with a proposition: let's talk about 50cc...  We've missed the old chap, so we had to give in!  We really hope you enjoy our random snapshot of our lovingly-concocted live rendition of what this podcast has been all about.  Pany quizzes us on the genesis of the 50cc project, the concept and the crazy ideas, the songs we were dying to play, the challenges, the crushing disappointments and the surprising successes, and of course the extraordinary team that we suddenly found ourselves with on those two nights in Stockport on June 24th and 25th 2022. You'll hear lots of music clips here, including some outtakes that don't appear in the released video, but also a sample of how we attempted to capture Consequences, Godley and Creme solo and 10cc's eclectic career in three hours.  The full video download and YouTube stream can be found here: We truly hope you enjoy our efforts.  We've loved doing this, and the gigs were just the icing on the cake! This episode was (mostly) edited by Pany.  Cheers old boy!


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