The Twilight Highlight Zone  

The Twilight Highlight Zone

The Twilight Highlight Zone

Author: Hanson and Cork

Jeff Cork and Ben Hanson discuss and review every episode of The Twilight Zone.
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film

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The Twilight Highlight Zone - Every Twilight Zone Reference In The Simpsons
Friday, 14 February, 2020

MinnMax's Ben Hanson and Jeff Cork continue their ongoing podcast where they review every episode of The Twilight Zone with this bonus episode focusing on The Simpsons and their parodies of The Twilight Zone with the Treehouse of Horror and more. We talk about the classic Simpsons episodes Homer 3D, Bart's Comet, and also talk about attending a Simpsons table read with Werner Herzog. There's also a video version available over at


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