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The Silent Epiphany - By Onkar SanapAuthor: Onkar Sanap
"Epiphany" is - A sudden moment of realization. Like the time you get that really dark joke and you go "OH DAYUMMMM" The first time you realize well rebounding after that breakup was a bad idea! The first time you realize your dream is not your passion, The first time you see your parent's salary check, The first time a Global Pandemic makes you question, would I be me, without well, deadlines. Why it took Newton an apple to discover what his "hustle" couldn't. What's the power of a pause! --- Get In Touch- Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/onkarsanap_/ Email ID- onkar09sanap@gmail.com Language: en Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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#4 | COGITO ERGO SUM | Prejudice and Sterotypes, Origins of Self Hatred??
Episode 4
Tuesday, 18 August, 2020
Are Prejudice and Sterotypes the origins of Self Hatred?? We all have been wrongfully judged by people, and we have done it too! but this habit of complying to sterotypes, has it lead us to a dark part of self hatred?? And how does COGITO ERGO SUM come into the picture?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Self Hatred Questionnaire- https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/tests/personality/self-esteem-test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get In Touch- Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/onkarsanap_/ Email ID- onkar09sanap@gmail.com