

Author: Renell John Maglalang

Since I dont want to write/ type but I want to speak a lot this podcast is about whats in my head. Yeah, I want to release it instead of talking to someone who dont listen to. This podcast serves as my daily journal. So thank you for listening and hoping for your safe but exciting journey towards your career path.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers

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#GGE EP 1 - How to Survive as a Knowledge Worker during Pandemic
Episode 1
Monday, 10 August, 2020

This podcast talks about on how to become an effective knowledge employee in turbulent times. Since we are in this pandemic right now I want to talk about and share my tips on how to maintain your sanity despite the social anxiety both economic wise and health-wise. Please tune in every time I release a fresh episode because this is for you as being a #GGE.


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