Single Season ShowcaseAuthor: Single Season Showcase
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Episode 017 - Just Eye-Rolling SO Hard and Gasping in Gay
Tuesday, 2 April, 2019
A plague-rat flapper from the 1920s is infecting goateed dudebros all over 1999! What's a dead cop to do, especially when the windows to his soul have been all gunked up with a Hell-enhanced typhoid and salmonella cocktail?! Did all of that sound like gibberish to you? Well then, you haven't been keeping up with our coverage of Brimstone! Greg and Stan are joined by Mrs. Greg herself, Kristi Musselman, who has miraculously agreed to stay married to Greg, even though he made her suffer through this sickly, nauseating episode. As always, our theme music was composed by Tony III of Third Wolf Productions - Productions And our logo was designed by Lindsay Rae Baker - Stan can be found on Twitter @BedsideMartini Greg can be found on Twitter @Eurogerg The show can be found on Twitter @SingSeaShow Also, hey, rate and review us on iTunes, or SoundCloud, or on whatever app or doohickey you listen to us on whydon'tcha? We keep forgetting to ask you to do that in the actual episodes, but it'd be super cool of you. All, like, 15 of you, or whatever.