The Penalty Shot  

The Penalty Shot

Author: Leo

The Penalty Shot is a podcast for avid hockey fans of the NHL, AHL and other major worldwide hockey organizations. We cover news, signings, reports and all things in general. Additionally, we do cover other sports and provide interviews, reactions and feedback to breaking news and stories.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Sports News

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Get Him Outta Here!!
Episode 1
Monday, 15 February, 2021

Well, I finally had to do it and it has come to this. I came across an audio of Anthony DeAngelo's dad from 5 years ago defend and talk about his son's suspension due to slurs used when playing in the OHL. This can be considered in part to what has led to DeAngelo being waived by the New York Rangers on January 31st. Listen to what he says and you can understand maybe why the things that have been said and done by the junior version have taken place. I would like to mention due to the listening audience - discretion is advised due to some language that is used in this episode. I thought my first episode of 2021 would have been different, but at least this would be considered a slight shot out of a cannon. Here is the youtube link for the New York Rangers Brass press conference explaining the release of "77" -  Enjoy!


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