Stacks and the City  

Stacks and the City

Author: Ashley Copeland

Stacks and the City is the podcast about getting this money and obtaining financial independence by any means necessary. Host Ashley Copeland is a 20- something living in Washington, DC. She owns and manages two properties and saved an additional 40,000 in assets all without earning a six figure salary. Ashley has all the tips, tricks, and hacks to help you get this money and live the life you deserve.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Investing

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Episode 112: How I failed at Entrepreneurship
Sunday, 27 August, 2023

Hello wonderful people. On today's episode, I delve into how I failed at entrepreneurship three times- and counting. I don't think we hear enough information on how entrepreneuship is difficult, frustrating, and a constant failure. This isn't an episode where I tell you it gets better and to keep going. It's an episode where I tell you honestly how difficult this journey has been. It has cost me thousands of dollars, put my relationship in jeopardy, and has made me feel deflated. Sometimes I don't know if this is meant for me. Nonetheless, I always want to share with you every aspect of this life. Please take a listen and thank you for supporting. Also, I have listened to your messages and comments. It is great to hear from you and know you are not alone. I feel the same way that many of you feel. You are amazing.


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