What is TRUTH?  

What is TRUTH?

Podcast for the skeptics of religion and government!

Author: Weezy

Weezy rants about random thoughts. We delve into atheist topics and the world of conspiracies! From the imaginary wars on Christmas, to all things Jeff Epstein! Looking through controversial topics , through the eyes of a skeptic, no stone is left unturned. Feel free to leave me a voicemail for any questions, comments, or show ideas at Be sure to follow me on tiktok@powerjesus #alandershowitz #trump #atheism #atheist #conspiracy #clintonbodycount #Epstein #Maxwell #ceasersmessiah #sexy
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Language: en

Genres: History, True Crime

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#19 Shaun Attwood Cali Fake Suicide Tape ... Found!
Episode 19
Sunday, 20 September, 2020

#ShaunAttwood #AnnDrogyne #Daddygate #Cali In This episode, I go over the new name change of the podcast. At about 15 minutes in, I play the entire audio from what was thought was permanently removed, the Cali fake suicide tape! I also cover the latest damming evidence against Prince Attwood exposing him as the FRAUD that he is. If you feel out of the loop , please refer to my anterior podcast, in particular #15 , # 17 , and # 18. Please follow the podcast and SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel!


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