Animate the World!  

Animate the World!

Author: KSMR Productions

Animate the World! is a conversational podcast that releases every other week! Join our hosts Richard and Kelly as they discuss, comment and dissect anything and everything pertaining to the animated world. Basically, it's about two friends obsessing over cartoons and having a grand ol' time of it. Join us!
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Comedy, Visual Arts

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ATW! S2 Ep70: Deus ex Kamina
Tuesday, 1 October, 2019

Happy Autumn everyone! Pull on a sweater, grab your PSL, and listen as we outline all the exciting new animes coming out this season. Turns out everything is a movie this time. Speaking of which, we’re going to the movies again! We watch and review Promare, the latest movie from studio Trigger about, you guessed it, Firefighters! Music | Jellyfish by Declan DP & KODOMOi… Continue reading →


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