Faith and Finances  

Faith and Finances

Author: Tim Rosen & Troy Barrilleaux

Faith and Finances provides Christ-focused financial teaching and approaches each financial topic with the premise, "What does the Bible say about that?"
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Christianity, Investing, Religion & Spirituality

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Episode 188
Friday, 27 December, 2019

Tim: They say that all good things must come to an end. We hope and pray that the Faith and Finances Podcast has been “good” to you, that the Christ-focused financial teaching has blessed and encouraged you.   Troy: In 1965, The Byrd's (can't these guys spell?) popularized the message of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 in their hyper-creatively titled song, "Turn! Turn! Turn!". The message is one of seasons—beginnings and endings. For every beginning, the Bible teaches us that there must also be an ending. That truth brings us to the final episode of the Faith and Finances Podcast.   Our Farewells: Tim: We are so thankful that you have chosen to listen to this Podcast. We have endeavored to bring valuable content and honor the Lord in every episode. I will be focusing my time and energy on my writing and live teaching endeavors. You can stay in touch, and receive my devotional writings on the subject of biblical finances by visiting and providing your e-mail address. You can also learn where I am teaching the Faith and Finances sessions by visiting the ministry Facebook or Instagram (see links below).   Troy: Tim and I have enjoyed our time with you during these few years of podcasting. Both of us are now entering seasons of life that demand a bit more of our time than in the past. I'm blessed with 2 godly teenagers, but they are teenagers nonetheless and require more of my time than ever before. Katrina and I have gone back to serving as Care Group Leaders after a 1-2 year break and that also requires time. On the work front, I'm currently building an online training system for our new hires and helping with the NeuroStar international expansion efforts. I suspect that Tim and I will share a microphone or video camera at some point in the future. We both enjoy each other and those mediums. But until then, dear listener… God bless.   Resources and Links: Faith and Finances - Book Multiply, What the Bible Teaches About Saving, Investing, and Planning for Your Future - Book   Improve Your Faith and Finances: Learn and trust God’s ways, for His ways are so much higher (better) than our ways.   Reach Us: Podcast on Facebook Tim Website or Twitter, or Instagram Troy Twitter and Facebook Matt Website or Twitter


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