The Business Pit Stop  

The Business Pit Stop

The Business Pit Stop hosted by Jeff & Clayton Whittle

Author: Jeff & Clayton Whittle

Professional small business consultants and father and son duo Jeff and Clayton give strategies for success in running a small business, family business, or start up. After years as implementers of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a system that has helped 4000 businesses break through the ceiling, Jeff and Clayton are expanding their small business, and want to share their unique perspective in bringing the Entrepreneurial Operating System to a small business. Learn more about the Entrepreneurial Operating System and how it can help your small business on Stop spinning your wheels. Start getting Traction.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Education, Management

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The Business Pit Stop Podcast Episode 32 - Hiring Mistakes
Episode 32
Thursday, 6 September, 2018

The Business Pit Stop Description Professional small business consultants and father and son duo Jeff and Clayton give strategies for success in running a small business, family business, or start up. After years as implementers of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a system that has helped 4000 businesses break through the ceiling, Jeff and Clayton are expanding their small business, and want to share their unique perspective in bringing the Entrepreneurial Operating System to a small business. Episode Description: Hiring Mistakes Everybody makes hiring mistakes. We hire the wrong people time and time again. But why? Why is it so hard to find the right fit for our team? In this episode we give the quick and dirty on why hiring mistakes are so often made. Check out some of the tools we talk about in this episode: The Accountability Chart Core values And a related podcast on knowing when to hire Follow Us on All Our Beautiful Social Media Outlets Twitter: @BusinessPit Facebook: Need More Help? Contact US for a free  consultation phone call on what the Entrepreneurial Operating System can do for you. If you're located in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, we welcome you to join us at our next Event Whittle & Partners is a consulting group that provides EOS™ Implementation in the United States and beyond. We offer in-person and online solutions to fit your business and schedule.Visit our about us page to learn how and why we love bringing Dallas Traction.


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