Not Financial Advice  

Not Financial Advice

Welcome to Not Financial Advice, where we discuss everything crypto and investment related! We discuss our investments moves, both wins and losses, and a viewpoint on the market from an average Joe's perspective! We're not experts, were just learning...

Author: Fomo Bros Network

Welcome to Not Financial Advice, where we discuss everything crypto and investment related! We discuss our investments moves, both wins and losses, and a viewpoint on the market from an average Joe's perspective! We're not experts, were just learning just like you are! We are not financial investment experts nor do we claim to be. All things mentioned and discussed in this podcast should not be taken seriously or as financial advice & the hosts may or not have positions in discussed topics. Enter any and all investments at your own risk and please, DYOR.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Investing

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Ep 6: Bullish Moons, Ouija Boards, and Vending Machines
Thursday, 23 September, 2021

In this episode, we talk about the bullish moon theory and how bitcoins follows the moon cycle, some scenarios about how btc would you need to be paid to do certain things, and potentially diving into a vending machine business.


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