Tell Me More...and Then Some  

Tell Me More...and Then Some

Author: Alina DerAvanesian and Angeline Simonovich

Join us, Alina DerAvanesian and Angeline Simonovich, two naturally curious souls and perpetual students of life who always venture beneath the surface and ponder life's biggest questions. Together, we delve into the depths of human behavior, relationships, and mental/physical well-being, uncovering the intricacies of our existence and the interconnected roles we play in each other's lives. How do we evolve and live full lives with as much contentment and peace as possible?  We invite you to join us on this journey, encouraging you to dig deeper and learn along the way. Our mission is to plant seeds that grow into self-reflection, education, inspiration, and ultimately empower you every step of the way while keeping things grounded and fun. Tune in for new episodes every Wednesday and follow @moreandthensomepod for more. 
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Language: en-us

Genres: Education, Science, Self-Improvement, Social Sciences

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4. Tell me more about Burnout!
Episode 4
Wednesday, 15 May, 2024

Have you ever felt burnt out? Or know people in your life that have experienced burnout?  The word “burnout" has become ubiquitous. It seems to sum up the stress and exhaustion that many of us are feeling.  And what does the term “burnout” actually mean? In today’s episode, we’ll dive into the science of burnout and share tools you can use to prevent or alleviate the effects of burnout.We'd love to connect with you! Instagram: @moreandthensomepod TikTok: @moreandthensomepod


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