The Amateur Science PodcastAuthor: Jacob Hansen
Hello! Amateur Science is a podcast about, well, science! Listen to a non-expert talk about scientific topics! Language: en Genres: Science Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 003: What's The Deal with Chick Limb Buds?
Episode 1
Tuesday, 26 April, 2022
This episode is brought to you by Chicken. We go over a study done by Yuki Sato and company at the Tokyo University of Science in 2021. They are describing an experiment on Chick Limb Buds and how they heal. How cool is that? I have Bradley and Kash joining me in this episode. Enjoy! Twitter: Jacob - @jacobfancysauce Bradley - @beeradtv Kash (No social media presence)