Welsh Political Icons  

Welsh Political Icons

Author: Welsh Political Icons

A series of audio biographies of Welsh political figures commissioned and edited by Daran Hill. Each audio file has been written and presented by the ascribed author. Subjects may be alive or dead: the only rule is they must have a strong Welsh connection. Subjects cross the political spectrum and members of all the main political parties and none. For example: Welsh Socialism (Labour) - Aneurin Bevan, Michael Foot, Alun Michael, Rhodri Morgan, Ann Clwyd, Jane Hutt, Peter Hain or Ann Jones. Welsh Nationalism - Adam Price, Owen John Thomas, Bethan Sayed, Leanne Wood, Cynog Dafis or Ieuan Wyn Jones. Welsh Liberalism - David Lloyd George, Emlyn Hooson, Clement Davies, Lord Rhondda, Reginald McKenna, or Roy Jenkins. Welsh Conservatism - Nigel Birch, Peter Thorneycroft, Wyn Roberts, Nicholas Edwards, Alun Cairns, Suzy Davies or Paul Davies. Welsh Marxism - David Ivon Jones.
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Government, History

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