Hale Of A Plan with Rebecka  

Hale Of A Plan with Rebecka

Author: Rebecka Hanrahan

You know what? I don't have it all figured out and that is perfectly okay. Trial and error is the way to learn and grow. Let's get raw and honest. We can do that as adults. I am going to make mistakes, but I am going to learn from them. I'm here to open up about the stigma surrounding mental health, being a single parent, working, life (do I even have one?), and so much more. It's time to bring you on my journey of self discovery, growth and improving things as fast as life throws these obstacles in my way. The best part of all of this? I've still got you to join me on my journey and perhaps you might just learn something about yourself too. Us messy hair, yoga pants and dirty kids have to stick together! Let's be friends. My website Follow me on social media at,,,, Patreon is coming soon...YouTube is Rebecka Mae
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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