Parallel Destination  

Parallel Destination

Author: Hayden Loudenback

A podcast series about the a fictional world stuck in conflict between the kingdoms of Earth, and invaders from the stars. Each short episode is a third person narration of one struggle in one part of the story. The setting is a very large map with many landmasses, cultures, creatures, and enigmas. This story has been plotted in a similar style to Tolkien's Lord of The Rings in the sense that the entire world; it's peoples, cultures, equipment, and geographies have been decided in detail before the stories production. This gives the audience a greater feel of immersion in the story.
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Language: en

Genres: Fiction

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Red Beard The Pale Faced
Episode 1
Tuesday, 11 August, 2020

The beginning of the end; we awaken with a warrior character, intent on avenging the destruction of his tribe.


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