

Author: fre wil

We will touch on subjects such as Politics, religion, Family, Relationships, Conflicts and resolutions, Economic growth Racism Systematic shut down of world What is frewil? #frewil
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health

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I don't need a man
Episode 16
Monday, 18 May, 2020

This notion that women don't need man, is one of the condition. Its fashioned by the media TV, movies, etc...etc... throughout the years Society has been trained and taught to forget the man, destroy the family, get the bag, all in the name of control, greed and power. Its to the point now where it is the norm. We as people must come together and break this curse, rid ourselves of these infectious disease of so-called leaders and elites, and take our lives back. Take our women back, restore our families. In mind and heart of hearts l. It is no doubt that we as men need you, as much as you need us. Let's talk about on today episode of #atfrewilpodcast


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