SCP Survival Log  

SCP Survival Log

Author: SCP Log

Follow the diary of Rebecca Grey in a SCP world
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Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction

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SCP Survival Log Day 2
Episode 2
Tuesday, 11 May, 2021

Survival Log, Day 2 Names Rebecca Grey, i am 27 and has lived in this new society for well over 8 years, i remember when it first began; I was on my way to my college class like i did everyday, then black, and then this, it trully happened in the blink of an eye, for all i know i might be the only one now alive, its been years since ive met another human, well, a non-anomalous human that is. It appears, so far atleast, that no XK class scenarios will take place, im guessing whatever the force is that brought the rest into existence decided not to bring out the big guns, or they just havent got around to it. I have no idea where on earth i am, or even if im on earth, i just know im here, when this all started i was going to MIT, i probably wouldve died the first day if i wasnt rescued by Jack Bright. Hehe, Jack Bright, i remember dreaming about dating him when his SCP was first created, hes a nightmare in person however; thats something i noticed, none of the scps are exactly like what was described, for instance a few years ago i encountered the unkillable lizard, he is nothing like what was described, this one stands on two feet, and has a extensive knowledge of language, everything else however was accurate, the only reason i still have my life is because the little girl SCP-053 was by his side. I sometimes wonder where the motto i used in the last entry came from, The Scarlett King, for all i know atleast, hasnt been seen or heard from yet, nor has most of the powerful scps. But alas that doesn't stop people from worshipping them, in hopes that they can help them survive. I ran across a makeshift foundation before, unlike the foundation in the writings none of them are big, but they work, well for some of the easier to contain anomalies. These foundations are scattered, recognized by the name of the person who foundd them, a year ago now i found myself in the interrogation room for one of the more, how do i put this, more capable facilities, The Morgan Foundation, i am not allowed to disclose for what it was and frankly im scared to, so i wont say why. But right now i feel im in a stable place, i just got back from a exhibition to see SCP-999, the tickle monster is a SCP thats a must see, im back home, in my own makeshift Foundation, i house the hard to contain scps more then anything, i have 2 in my possession as of right now, SCP-682, The Unkillable Lizard, and SCP-053, The Little Girl; i learned through experimentation that these two scps, when put together, makes both of them (for the most part) docile.


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