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E14: Small, the Next Big Thing: An Interview with Jeffrey Lependorf from Community of Literary Magazines and Presses
Monday, 3 August, 2015
In this episode we speak with Jeffrey Lependorf, Community of Literary Magazines and Presses' Executive Director. A service organization to independent literary publishers of exceptional fiction, poetry and prose, CMLP provides guidance on the backstage work of American literature. Join us as we learn about the organization, trends in the industry, guidance on submitting your writing and more. Podcast Notes: CLMP (Community of Literary Magazines and Presses has been in existence since 1967: https://www.clmp.org/index.html) CLMP has over 500 members, up from 230 when Lependorf joined. Mentioned organizations, presses, authors and works: Graywolf Press: www.graywolfpress.org Claudia Rankine: http://claudiarankine.com Citizen Eula Biss: http://www.eulabiss.net On Immunity McPherson and Company: http://www.mcphersonco.com Riverhead Books: http://www.penguin.com/meet/publishers/riverhead Penguin Random House: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com FSG (Farrar Straus Giroux): http://us.macmillan.com/fsg Holtzbrink Publishing Group: https://www.holtzbrinck.com St. Martin's Press: http://us.macmillan.com/smp Convolution: http://www.convolutionjournal.com The Song Cave: http://www.the-song-cave.com Alfred Starr Hamilton: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/harriet/2013/02/out-of-isolation-alfred-starr-hamiltons-a-dark-dreambox-of-another-kind A Dark Dreambox of Another Kind Archipelago Books: https://archipelagobooks.org Karl Ove Knausgard: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Ove_Knausg%C3%A5rd My Struggle Holy Cow! Press: http://www.holycowpress.org Little Star Journal: http://littlestarjournal.com/about Nouvella: http://nouvellabooks.com Produced by: Tate Street http://tatestreet.org Producers: Ray Crampton and Abigail Browning Music provided by: Jonathan Stout and his Campus Five featuring Hilary Alexander http://www.campusfive.com Podcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tatestreetorg Podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/tatestreetorg Podcast Email: writeus@tatestreet.org