Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour Podcast  

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour Podcast

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour Podcast

Author: ehpodcast

Welcome to the Eleventh Hour Podcast (occasionally "EH?"), a discussion show dedicated to Doctor Who and starring Joe and Chris and nobody else, dammit
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film

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New Year’s Day 2019: Resolution
Monday, 30 December, 2019

Nine years and nine months later, here we are at the resolution. Never say never and all that but this is definitely the last of the regular episodes of Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour Podcast, the podcast with the increasingly out-of-date name. We’ll definitely be back even if it’s just one more rambly catch-up, but when the new series starts tomorrow we’ll be able to just watch Doctor Who and not worry about explaining why we feel the way we do about the episodes, which will be very nice. Absolutely the best to all of you who stuck with us, and all of you who didn’t but still gave us your attention for a short time. We didn’t do anything special to deserve this attention but you made us feel like we did. Thanks for sticking with me (Chris) in particular through my off-colour jokes and racist accents and being a big part of helping me weed those out. Thanks to anyone who actually DID follow the intricacies of Joe’s love life over the last decade and, while there must surely have been people out there who listened and didn’t like the show, thanks to them too for just going away quietly and not giving us an unnecessarily hard time about it. As for the episode itself, we are finally joined Mr Chris from the Pharos Project podcast, who kept us soldiering through the discussion when Joe and I were ready to throw in the towel and end the recording. He had notes and everything! And that’s it, nothing left now but to part ways with the traditional Doctor Who farewell: Live long, and prosper.


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