Mending you  

Mending you

Author: Akshat Sharma

I've brought some beautiful poems for your heart, Not something polished to make you feel but something like those raw and true emotions, that we just keep inside. Something that we always wanted to say but just never did. So just tune in and give me a chance to mend your heart...
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts

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But, I'm not in love
Episode 2
Wednesday, 13 May, 2020

Hello explorers, in the last episode I introduced you two best friends, Will & Grace and told you their story. And now in this episode, I'll tell you what happens next in their story.  This poem describes the whole day of a person who is in love.  So, Just tune into it... Instagram @the_akshatsharma twitter @the_akshatshrma snapchat @the_akstyles 


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