The Largemouthed Angler  

The Largemouthed Angler

Author: The Largemouthed Angler

Who is The Largemouthed Angler? My name is Herschel and I call myself the Largemouthed Angler because I love fishing for large mouth bass and Ive got a large mouth. I'm a Texas native and have been fishing since I was a kid but more recently developed a bigger passion for it. Ive learned a lot about bass fishing and want to share that knowledge with you. I dont get much time to fish because of life (being a husband, father, and working full-time as a plumber), just like most of you. I do this podcast to help teach you how to be a better angler.
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wilderness

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How To Choose The Right Worm - Episode 16
Episode 16
Sunday, 20 February, 2022

This time we’re all about the worm and soft plastics. What to use and when! #bassfishing, #angler, #fishing, #texas, #texasbassfishing, #fishingtips, #largemouthbass, #pondfishing, #bankfishing


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