Boston Computation Club  

Boston Computation Club

Author: Max von Hippel

The Boston Computation Club is a small seminar group focused on mathematical computer science, and computational mathematics. Its name is plagiarized from the London Computation Club. Boston Computation Club meetings occur roughly every other week, on weekends, around 5pm EDT (modulo speaker availability). The usual format is a 20m presentation followed by 40m of discussion. Some, but not all, meetings are posted on YouTube and in podcast form.
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Language: en

Genres: Mathematics, Science

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03/08/25: An Introduction to LiquidHaskell with Michael H. Borkowski
Saturday, 8 March, 2025

Michael H. Borkowski is an Assistant Professor of Practice in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University. Before joining Purdue, he earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego, where he was affiliated with the ProgSys Group. Today Michael joined us to discuss LiquidHaskell, a very cool project that incorporates a kind of refinement types, with SMT-based proofs, into Haskell. This was a really compelling talk and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did!


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