Enemies Within USA  

Enemies Within USA

Author: Dennis Humphrey

Enemies Within USA explores one of the best-kept secrets of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact that fewer than 20,000 U.S. communists, socialists, Reporters, Social Media, News Papers, Universities, Communication Companies, and extreme progressives are able to influence the politicians and even write the laws that control the lives of over 300 million Americans. Now, these groups are working hand in hand with Islam to destroy our Constitutional Republic throughout our society. Targeting Education, Health Care, Capitalism, by planting individual operatives at City, School Boards, County, State, Judicial System, Congress, Senate, Supreme Court and throughout the beauracarcy. Become a Paul Revere, tell everyone!!! Save our Beloved Country!!!
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Language: en

Genres: Government, Society & Culture

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Bernie Sanders a Maxist Enemy Within our Government Exposed
Saturday, 23 September, 2017

Bernie Sanders is proud to be a Socialist but really is a Marxist. This is the man that many uninformed youthful voters cheered for not knowing that he seeks to destroy the very foundation of our country, the destruction of the Constitution. This short clip exposes who this traitor really is and what he has always believed in, Marxism.


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