The Dr. Haley Show  

The Dr. Haley Show

Nutrition For Health Radicals And High Performers

Author: Michael Haley

Nutrition and healing your body doesn't have to be so complicated. The Dr. Haley Show is a podcast dedicated to helping you optimize your health in all areas of your life. We will be featuring health radicals on the show to bring new ideas to the table as well as doubling down on key fundamentals to support you living your best life. To see how we can help and support you on your health journey, tune into the episodes and listen for coupon codes that you can use before you make your orders of RAW aloe vera. To learn more about bettering your health and the powerful effects of aloe vera, please visit:
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Language: en

Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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79 | Aging Younger Each Day - How to Reverse Aging with Janet McConnell
Episode 79
Wednesday, 11 December, 2024

Janet McConnell from Scottsdale, Arizona is a public speaker, a motivational speaker of types. She's a health coach. She's author of the book Elements of Aging Well, body builder, and owner of the Book "Elements of Aging Well" Janet McConnell's Website:https://www.ignitefitnesswithjanet.comVisit Janet's YouTube channel: Janet on Instagram: Janet: Intro Snip00:42 Introduce Janet McConnel author of "Elements of Aging well" and owner of IgniteFitnessWithJanet.com02:36 What happened in your life at 46 years old that brought you to a point of transformation out of shape to body building?04:50 When is it a good time to take medication?11:37 How long do you have to work out and how many times per week to get in shape?13:33 What is the most important lifestyle difference between someone who is in shape and someone who is competing in body building?17:20 Is body building a healthy lifestyle?19:12 What is the LBN factor?20:30 What is the purpose of training and what kind of goals should be set?22:45 How do you name your exercises?23:55 What is the benefit of having a personal trainer?28:00 What is aging vs. longevity?31:00 How long does it take to get back in shape when you have taken 20 to 30 years off?33:30 At what point is the runway too short?35:07 How important is the mental component to physical fitness?37:22 the concept of reversing aging inspired by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw43:00 What are some of the tricks to presenting so well on stage in a body building competition?


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