Tactical Tangents  

Tactical Tangents

Author: Tactical Tangents

Mike is a police SWAT team member, K9 handler, and tactical medic. Jim is an Air Force pilot with a background in close air support and combat search and rescue. Our goal is to elevate the conversation about all things tactical for public safety, military, and concerned citizens. Join us to hear lessons learned about decision making, critical thinking, problem solving, leadership, and teamwork.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement, Society & Culture

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180: Balance: Pace Yourself, it's a Marathon, not a Sprint
Episode 180
Saturday, 1 March, 2025

The boys talk us through how to achieve work-life balance in full-commitment jobs like aviation, law enforcement, emergency medical services, and other critical roles.   Find us on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/YouTube) @TacTangents. You can join the conversation in our Facebook Discussion Group. Find all of our episodes, articles, some reading list ideas, and more on our website Like what we’re doing? Head over to Patreon and give us a buck for each new episode. You can also make a one-time contribution at GoFundMe. Intro music credit


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