Kiya And The Morian Treasure - Free Sample  

Kiya And The Morian Treasure - Free Sample

Author: R.S. Mellette

Kiya is a former space pirate with a fast ship trying to make a legit living when she accepts a commission from diplomat Janus Alotus. Hes got a price on his head and space plague wracking his body. Kiyas task: Use her unique skills to bring Januss daughter, Nadir, home safely so he can sacrifice himself to Admiral Ghan, ruler of the Pirate Council. Januss public execution will be a last, desperate, attempt to bring peace to the galaxy, even if it takes a war to accomplish it. Great plan, until Kiyas ship is attacked by fellow pirate and ex, Derek, whos looking to collect the bounty on Janus for himself. With Janus captured, Nadir and Kiya are left to fend for themselves while Kiya seeks to recover the memories erased by her father which shes convinced hold the key to finding the mysterious Morian Treasure. The two young women must resist multiple attacks, reclaim Kiyas lost memories, and survive Ticking in space and time in a journey through the galaxy the likes of which have never been seen before.
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Genres: Arts, Books, Fiction, Science Fiction

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Kiya And The Morian Treasure - Chapter 1 - Free Sample
Episode 18
Saturday, 2 March, 2024

Please enjoy the first nine chapters of the hit book, Kiya And The Morian Treasure. You can get the entire book in print, e-book, and audio, on Amazon.


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