Ordinary Things  

Ordinary Things

What does the word 'ordinary' mean to you? In this short-form podcast, Louise Siddons, Professor of Visual Politics at Winchester School of Art (part of the, invites artists to reflect on the role of the ordinary in art...

Author: Louise Siddons

What does the word 'ordinary' mean to you? In this short-form podcast, Louise Siddons, Professor of Visual Politics at Winchester School of Art (part of the University of Southampton), invites artists to reflect on the role of the ordinary in art and life.Conceived in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name, held at The Winchester Gallery from 2-25 November 2023, the podcast intentionally uses ordinary tools to record interviewees in ordinary places, which means the audio quality can vary and ambient noises sometimes intrude. The music for Ordinary Things was composed and performed by Giles Siddons. Artwork for the exhibition was designed by Studio 3015 at Winchester School of Art but modified for the podcast. All episodes are recorded, edited, and produced by Louise Siddons.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Philosophy, Society & Culture, Visual Arts

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Francis Gene-Rowe
Episode 25
Tuesday, 31 October, 2023

The Ordinary Things podcast asks artists what the word ‘ordinary’ means to them. In this episode, Francis Gene-Rowe, teaching fellow in Global Media Management at Winchester School of Art, instrumentalises the ordinary as a strategy for creative practice. Find out more about Francis:On their website In this episode, Francis mentions:Ursula K. Le Guin's essay, 'The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction' (1986) Ordinary Things is published in conjunction with and as an extension of the exhibition of the same name, curated by Louise Siddons, at The Winchester Gallery from 2-25 November 2023. Louise Siddons is Professor of Visual Politics at Winchester School of Art, which is part of the University of Southampton.


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