

Author: Celia Morgan

A Podcast based in the Hunter Region (NSW).
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Language: en

Genres: Society & Culture

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Event Listing: Annual Toy Run
Sunday, 4 December, 2011

Newcastle NSW, Australia - Sunday 4th December 2011. Many families find it financially embarrassing around this time of the year. There are many who struggle to live day-to-day, providing for their families in the best way they know how. Community organizations have prepared and organized many events throughout the year, which helps many people: single, unemployed, disabled and so on. The annual 'Toy Run' is to help with children who 's family cannot afford to buy them presents, with side donations of food goods and vouchers. Every year, market stalls are set up, selling: motorcycle apparel, clothing, jewellery, food & beverage stands and much more. Motorcyclists from around Australia, New South Wales and the Hunter Region, each purchase toys for the event and do the ride to deliver the toys. And each time, Santa has arrived on his Harley, pulling a small trailer load or carrying his large bag of toys. Anyone and everyone attends this event, it puts a smile on someone's face when they see the joy that this event produces in the eyes of the less-fortunate children and their families.


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