Waking Up 30  

Waking Up 30

Author: Carter Gibson, Andrew Fear

A podcast about making the most of our 30s. Armed with coffee, Andrew and Carter work through the difficulties of being "responsible" adults, learning and experimenting their way through the decade you're supposed to have it all figured out. Except they don't.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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#07: Satisficing vs. Maximizing
Sunday, 26 February, 2017

Carter and Andrew talk about how to make decisions without losing their mind. Are you a satisficer or a maximizer? - avoiding decision paralysis How Carter and Andrew use satisficing: establish key parameters beforehand and then quickly chose an option that meets those parameters The “Prateo” or 80/20 principle - getting the most value for the least effort The Paradox of choice - more options do not necessarily mean better outcomes “Fail forward quickly” - one of Carter’s favorite quotes for living


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