Dark Side Divas - A Star Wars PodcastAuthor: Stefannie and Chris
This is a podcast about the Star Wars Saga, from a nerdy Texas woman and a California gay man who loves lightsabers, droids, and shade. We will cover the story of Star Wars with a deep dive in movies and TV shows in chronological order. Language: en Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Diva Wars Rebels - Visions and Voices
Episode 178
Monday, 23 December, 2024
The Maul of it all! In this episode of Dark Side Divas we discuss the Star Wars Rebels episode "Visions and Voices" (s3e11). Ezra is seeing visions of Maul, and Kanan is worried. We see the return of some spooky force magic, and Sabine recovers an ancient relic that's important for Mandalorian culture. Listen to this episode to hear what the divas have to say!