We Gotta Thing - A Swinger Podcast  

We Gotta Thing - A Swinger Podcast

Author: Mr & Mrs Jones's Swinging Adventures

We are a long-time married couple deepening our relationship through the swinging lifestyle . We intend for our podcast to resonate with those having similar life experience and values who are either in or potentially entering the lifestyle. Not a "how to" resource but more of a "what if" resource that generates authentic conversation between couples to help them find their place in the lifestyle. Care to join us?
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Relationships, Sexuality, Society & Culture

Contact email: Get it

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Episode 128: Enough With the Pineapples! How to Make Connections in the Wild
Episode 128
Monday, 17 February, 2025

We are contantly bombarded with lifestyle symbols and the promises they bring of attracting lifestyle couples to us in our day-to-day lives! From upside down pineapples in the grocery store, to black rings on the right ring finger, to white rocks at the end of the driveway, to wearing jewelry that brings special powers. Some content creators, lifestyle businesses and marketers exploit our collective desire to stay anonymous while at the same time magically attracting others into our secret lives with little or no effort at all. In this episode we discuss how to both pick-up on a send those sexy vibes in ways that require a bit of work on our part but often lead to meaningful connections with others regardless of the setting. It's all about being noticeable and creating enough curiousity and intrigue to draw others in and then knowing how to engage and progress in a natural way. 


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