Handel's Messiah - the advent calendar  

Handel's Messiah - the advent calendar

A podcast series about the people, the places, the music, the drama and the gossip that is connected to the maiden performance of Handel's Messiah in Dublin in 1742. @handelsmessiah

A podcast series about the people, the places, the music, the drama and the gossip that is connected to the maiden performance of Handel's Messiah in Dublin in 1742.
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Language: en

Genres: History, Music, Music History

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#23 Handel's Messiah
Monday, 11 March, 2019

'The finest Composition of Music that was ever heard': Following the reactions of the only full rehearsal of Messiah on the 9th of April, the expectations were soaring. The date of the premiere had to be changed to the 13th of April. There was no doubt, Dublin high society didn’t want to miss such an important event. Faulkner’s Dublin Journal even had to print this request: “Many Ladies and Gentlemen who are well-wishers to this Noble and Grand Charity, for which this Oratorio was composed, request it as a Favour, that the Ladies who honour this performance with their Presence, would be pleased to come without Hoops, as it will greatly increase the Charity, by making Room for more company.”Music: Dunedin Consort ‘Handel’s Original Dublin Version 1742’


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