Do The Work  

Do The Work

Author: Diego Footer

Living a glorious life while eating sh*t sandwiches. Let's be honest, life can be great and terrible, sometimes at the same time. Experience the reality of a dad running multiple businesses, trying to stay sane, and searching for meaning in it all. The show will make you cry, laugh, like me and hate me, but hopefully, it will make you realize what is truly important in your life. A weekly-ish show produced by podcaster, entrepreneur, and dad of three daughters and four rabbits - Diego Footer.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Special Is Everyday
Thursday, 28 October, 2021

Don't wait for special.  You have it every day right in front of you.  Appreciate it for what it is. We are all trying to survive what life throws at us.  This show is my experience trying to survive and enjoy life while being an entrepreneur and a dad.   See more of my content: Instagram: @DiegoFooter: YouTube: Diego Footer:


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