X-men: The Animated Series reXamined  

X-men: The Animated Series reXamined

Author: Noosed Octopus: Theatre, etc

UK-based standup comedian Javier Jarquin is a deep-dive Marvel guy. He has created multiple live shows based on the MCU, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of plots, characters, and trivia. NZ- based comedian and playwright Dan Bain remembers that this show was cool when he was a kid, and once saw an Iron Man movie on an international flight. Join them both as they rewatch and rediscover one of the greatest animated shows of the 1990s. 
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Language: en-nz

Genres: Comedy, Stand-Up, TV & Film, TV Reviews

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Whatever It Takes
Episode 3
Sunday, 16 March, 2025

Storm reconnects with her adoptive son, the Shadow King reconnects with Storm, and Rogue kind of feels like a third wheel. Dan goes on a significant tangent about Murder on the Orient Express, and Jav gently nudges him back on track. Send us a textSupport the showMeet Dan on the internet and find out where to see him perform live Newsletter Book Sleepytime Mumbles - a sleep-aid podcast Perfuct Storm - A live show Standup in Hell FB Meet Javier on the internet and find out where to see him perform live Instagram The Jarquin Back Podcast website Twitch FB


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