Spice World  

Spice World

An inebriated exploration of Frank Herbert's Dune.

Author: Spice World

An inebriated exploration of Frank Herbert's Dune. Join our hosts Mike and Derek each week as they open a new bottle of wine and have a bit of a buzzed book club. Never read Dune? No worries, neither has Mike. Whether you are new to Dune, or you already know how to wear your stillsuit desert style; this podcast has something to offer. Pulling from the long out of print, Dune Encyclopedia, we can tell you stories such as: Who was Holtzman? What is it like on a Guild spaceship? How did the Baron come to power? We will be revealing some spoilers along the way, but Derek promises not to ruin any great twists in the book. After all this is Mikes first time reading the book, and part of the fun is letting this world and its mysteries grow around you.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Books, Fiction, Science Fiction

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Messiah - Chapter 17
Episode 83
Monday, 18 November, 2024

Paul takes charge as the spice hits the fan in downtown Arrakeen.


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