Flagons and Dragons: A House of the Dragon Podcast  

Flagons and Dragons: A House of the Dragon Podcast

Author: Regular Dudes Watch Stuff

This is 'Flagons and Dragons' where we discuss all things 'Game of Thrones'. For now, that means we're talking about HBO's 'House of the Dragon' the first 'Game of Thrones' spinoff. Fill up your flagon and join us for fire, blood, and DRAGONS!
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews

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Flagons & Dragons - House of the Dragon - "The Queen Who Ever Was" (S02E08) #HotD #HouseOfTheDragon
Wednesday, 7 August, 2024

Welcome to 'Flagons and Dragons', formerly known as 'Drunk on Dragons'. We talk about everything related to 'Game of Thrones', and for now, that means we're talking about season two of 'House of the Dragon'.On this episode, we're going to review and discuss SEASON 2 EPISODE 8 "The Queen Who Ever Was", the SEASON 2 FINALE! Please note that this will be a FULL SPOILER review and discussion. All aired episodes of 'House of the Dragon' and 'Game of Thrones' are in play; you've been warned. 'Flagons and Dragons' is presented by Regular Dudes Watch Stuff. Find us wherever you get your podcasts, and on YouTube. We are on social media @DudesWatchStuffJUMP AHEAD:0:00 - Welcome to Flagons and Dragons1:42 - "The Queen Who Ever Was" Episode Details3:18 - Overall Thoughts14:23 - Episode Review and Discussion1:09:38 - Alternate Episode Titles1:11:04 - Favorite Moment1:12:32 - Favorite Quote1:14:32 - The HotD Hierarchy (S02E08 Power Rankings)1:18:50 - Episode MVP1:20:08 - Episode Grade1:21:35 - Predictions1:23:15 - Thank you for checking out Flagons and DragonsThanks for checking out our show and we hope to see you back in our little corner of Westeros soon. Until then, keep your dragons flying and your flagons full...This was the SEASON 2 FINALE, but we will be back with a wrap-up episode for SEASON 2 of 'House of the Dragon', so make sure that you're subscribed!


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