Chasing Dreams with Aimee J.  

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J.

Author: Aimee J.

Chief Dream Chaser Aimee J. brings to the show people you never knew you needed to meet. Aimee talks to fellow dream chasers who share the story of their chase, the lessons they've learned, and have a good time doing it. Life is too short to live with regrets. You need to make moves, take a chance, and chase your dreams.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Ep 262: Time to Rest
Episode 262
Wednesday, 29 June, 2022

You can’t just be hustling all the time, you also need to take time to rest. We’ve been glorifying the hustle culture for far too long that taking a break seems unacceptable.In this episode, Aimee tackles a topic that we don’t normally discuss - taking a break. For the longest time, we’ve been taught that hustling is the only way to achieve our dreams. We didn’t realize that too much hustle leads to burnout and not becoming the best version of ourselves.There should be no shame in taking a break, it’s also a form of self-care. You spark more creative juices if you realize that your true power lies in having a rest. THE IMPORTANCE OF RESTThe hustle culture has been around for years but now we see a positive shift. People are more accepting of the thought that rest is needed if we want to function better.As Aimee mentioned, we’re slowly learning that “hustling isn’t always the answer.” This comes from a personal experience as Aimee also learned the value of having rest. Rest helps bring your energy level back up. If you’re consistently working without taking a break, it can be detrimental to your health. You might experience fatigue and burnout and this leads to not feeling motivated to go to work or do something you’ve always been passionate about.You need to understand that your energy depletes if you’re too obsessed with work, and you need to restore this energy. Taking breaks helps you become more productive and stronger in the long run.TWEET"Hustling isn't always the answer." #chasingdreamQUOTE"Rest helps bring your energy level back to come back stronger."WHAT WE NEED TO TEACH THE NEXT GENERATION ABOUT RESTWe’ve been taught working long hours indicates the highest quality of work but we come to realize that this is not effective. It blocks productivity and drains creativity. We need to teach the next generation that rest is a significant part of work, regardless of the industry you’re in. Pulling all-nighters is not going to help all the time. It only teaches you to ineffectively manage your time. The power is in the rest. If you’re someone who takes pride in not having a vacation, you better evaluate what you’re doing in life. Take a step back and figure out why you’re not having a well-deserved break. Even schools are now acknowledging the importance of taking breaks for the mental health of students. We talked about this in Episode 261. It’s the same thing for adults at work. They are at risk of experiencing burnout if they don’t allow themselves to take a break.TWEET"The power is in the rest." #chasingdreams"You might...


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