Pants in the Boot  

Pants in the Boot

Author: Glenn Fleishman

The United Kingdom and America are two countries separated by the same language, George Bernard Shaw never said, and well be proving that in this podcast. We gather Incomparable panelists from the UK and America, as well as Canada and other English-speaking regions, and try to explain to each other the distinctions between biscuit and cookie, lemonade and fizzy water, public school and, er, public school, and why when we put our pants in our boot, we mean something altogether different.
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Language: en

Genres: Places & Travel, Science, Social Sciences, Society & Culture

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45: Pants in the Pants in the Boot
Episode 45
Monday, 30 January, 2023

Glenn takes a seat while panelists discuss literal American-style pants and trousers around the world that are designed for people who identify as women—and the many styles that fail to fit many bodies! Also: missing pockets—the agents of the patriarchy never rest. Glenn Fleishman with Annette Wierstra, Erika Ensign, Jean MacDonald, Julia Skott, Sarah Hendrica Bickerton, Saskia Koehler and Shelly Brisbin.


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