Outdoors International  

Outdoors International

Author: Outdoors International

Outdoors International strives to be the most respected, knowledgeable and professional Consulting firm in the Outdoor Industry; To offer the best possible outdoor experiences to our clients with outstanding, vetted outfitters; to promote ethics and conservation; And have clients who want to return and use our service again and again.
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Outdoors International Podcast | A Wild Time in New Zealand
Wednesday, 17 May, 2023

Ty Cameron joins Cory to share the story of his hunt in New Zealand to help us vet a new potential outfitter. He went hunting with his dad and friend Rich, and they had a wild time. All three were successful, and the hunt was better than they even hoped it would be. Ty is a hugely successful DIY archery hunter here in Idaho and is a wealth of knowledge on bowhunting. This hunt was different from what he was used to, and he said that's what made it great.


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