Get Your GOAL: Weight Loss Mindset for Women Over 50  

Get Your GOAL: Weight Loss Mindset for Women Over 50

Author: Pahla B

Youre smart, youre successful, and youve got your sh*t together, but you cant seem to lose this menopausal weight. It's not your calories, it's your mindset! Join life coach Pahla B, the Queen of Journaling, to detox from your diet thinking, gain unshakeable confidence in yourself, and finally lose weight for the last time.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Health & Fitness, Mental Health, Self-Improvement

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How To Make it Through the Holidays Without Gaining Weight
Episode 350
Thursday, 21 November, 2024

It’s near the end of November, and you know what that means: days are shorter, nights are longer, and there’s extra food everywhere you turn. Historically, you’ve put on anywhere from five to fifteen pounds in the final six weeks of the year, and you really want to change that. But how can you make it through the holidays without gaining weight? That’s exactly what we’re diving into on today’s podcast.Rather than white-knuckling your way through the holidays this year, let’s explore some of the unhelpful thoughts you probably have, that have created weight gain in years past, and start shifting into helpful thoughts that will change everything.Because this is the real crux of how to make it through the holidays without gaining weight: you make one mindset shift at a time. They all add up, and before you know it, holidays don’t feel hard. Losing weight doesn’t feel hard. Changing your habits, changing your mind, and changing your life – none of them feel hard when you give yourself a little shift.Hey friend! I'm Pahla B, host of the Get Your GOAL podcast and holistic (mind+body) weight loss coach. I help ambitious women over 50 like you ditch your dieting mindset, so you can finally lose weight for the last time.Here's how I help:Download my FREE guide, "The Four MOST EFFECTIVE Journaling Prompts for Faster Weight Loss" here: my Amazon-best selling book, "Mind Over Menopause" from your favorite bookseller: "Journal the Journey," my comprehensive mini-course that walks you step-by-step through a simple journaling system that will change your mind about weight loss: the Get Your GOAL monthly membership for the deep transformation you've been craving. Set yourself free from emotional eating, scale drama, and yo-do dieting:


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